Remove Dog Urine Smell
In this article, we will discuss the best way to remove dog urine smell, and what is the best enzyme cleaner for dog urine.
We love our dogs unconditionally, in most cases, even when they cause nasty odors in our home!
Regardless of having one pet in the house, or several, you can rest assured that your house has its own distinct and lingering pet odor, even if you’ve become blind to it. Not to forget the more extreme odors caused by our four-legged friends while housebreaking, or male dogs marking their territory. As a pet-owner, you are going to want to remove that dog urine smell, as often times it can be unbearable. There are carpet and upholstery cleaning products designed for use in cleaning machines and these can generally take care of the musty, ‘wet-dog’ smells that accumulate in pet-lovers’ homes. But spot-cleaning stubborn pet odors from carpets and rugs require the best enzyme cleaners for dog urine since it’s a far more complex task than removing non-urine-based doggy smells.
What is the Best Enzyme Cleaner for Dog Urine?
If you’ve read our article here you’ll already know why we recommend a bacteria-based pet odor removal product like Uricide, over enzyme-only products and chemical cleaners and pet odor neutralizers.
Uricide is formulated with live bacteria that, when sprayed on offending pet stains and odors, actually consume the solid matter present in the urine and/or feces.
The outcome of this approach is that the odor-causing particulate matter is physically removed from the stained carpet, and there’s nothing left behind that can cause an odor.
Compared with a chemical or enzyme-only based pet odor removal product, which only masks the smell emanating from the urine or feces, we believe Uricide to be the best enzyme cleaner for dog urine and it’s bio-enzyme approach to dog urine odor removal to be far more effective. And thousands of happy Uricide users around the globe seem to agree.
Application Of Pet Odor Removal Products On Carpets and Rugs
The main concern with cleaning stains and pet odors from rugs and carpets is to avoid removing the dye/color from the fabric. Though Uricide is very gentle in that regard, we do recommend testing a small area of the fabric before a larger application is made. Please refer to this article on testing for color fastness before using pet odor eliminator products on carpets and rugs
Once you’ve established color fastness, simply refer to the cleaning instructions supplied on the label of every bottle of Uricide, or read as follows –
Using Uricide Pet Odor Remover On Carpets And Rugs
Our Uricide for indoor product comes with a handy spray bottle which allows spot-spraying of smaller areas of approximately 4 square feet or less.
1 – Using a clean white cloth or a clean spray bottle, dampen the soiled surface lightly with the application of warm water. Do not saturate the carpet or rug, just moisten the surface lightly.
2 – Apply URI-CIDE® directly on to the dampened area using the spray attachment, again, being conservative with the amount of liquid product you apply (no need to fully saturate)
3 – Leave the Uricide on the soiled area for an hour or more, then wipe the area with a clean white cloth using warm, soapy water.
4 – Repeat the procedure if necessary.
Using Uricide and applying it properly will be the best way to remove pet urine smell. But there are a few simple ‘maintenance’ tips that go along with pet odor removal –
Tip #1 – Use removable slipcovers or cushion covers on your couch and chairs.
Check for laundering instructions on the slipcovers, and where applicable wash the covers on a thrice-yearly basis.
ip #2 – Add a half cup of uricide as a laundry boost to your laundry detergent when washing dog blankets, couch/cushion covers, or doggy bedsheets.
Tip #3 – Keep your pet well-groomed and treat him or her to a soapy bath or shower in line with the recommendations for the breed.
Tip #4 – As a general rule of thumb we recommend that you avoid any odor removal products which utilize ammonia in their formula since the strong scents could attract your pets back to the area you’ve just cleaned!
Tip #5 – We recommend avoiding the use of baking soda, which is a common ingredient used in many DIY formulas, as it can be highly toxic to pets.